Indian Mastiff (pakistani bully) dog Breed

Indian Mastiff (pakistani bully) Breed Highlights

NameIndian Mastiff (pakistani bully)
Other NamesBully kutta
Indian Mastiff
Indian Alangu Mastiff
Pakistani Mastiff
Sindhi Mastiff
Popularity Rank515
Intelligent Rank
OriginIndia India Pakistan Pakistan
GroupGuard Dogs
Breed Type

Indian Mastiff (pakistani bully) General Appearance

WeightMale: 150-170 pounds (67.5-76.5 kg)
Female: 130-150 pounds (58.5-67.5 kg)
Avg. WeightMale: 160 pounds (72 kg)
Female: 140 pounds (63 kg)
HeightMale: 30-44 inches (76.2-111.8 cm)
Female: 28-36 inches (71.1-91.4 cm)
Avg. HeightMale: 37 inches (94 cm)
Female: 32 inches (81.25 cm)

Indian Mastiff (pakistani bully) Hair and Care

white & Black

1 Star out of 5
Shedding Level

3 Star out of 5

Indian Mastiff (pakistani bully) Characteristics

Intelligent Rank

3 Star out of 5

4 Star out of 5

2 Star out of 5
Sensitivity Level

3 Star out of 5
Affection Level

5 Star out of 5
Social Needs

3 Star out of 5

2 Star out of 5
Low to Average
Watchdog Ability

5 Star out of 5

4 Star out of 5
Biting PotentialLow

4 Star out of 5
Impulse to Wander or Roam

1 Star out of 5
Prey Drive

4 Star out of 5
Apartment Friendly

2 Star out of 5

3 Star out of 5
Tolerates Being Left Alone

3 Star out of 5
Fighting DogYES

Indian Mastiff (pakistani bully) Good With

Stranger Friendly

2 Star out of 5
Child Friendly

3 Star out of 5
Cat Friendly

2 Star out of 5
Dog Friendly

2 Star out of 5
Office FriendlyNO
Senior Citizens Friendly

2 Star out of 5
Pet Friendly

2 Star out of 5
Good For First Time OwnersYES
Service DogNO
Therapy DogNO
Detection Dog or Sniffer DogNO
Search and Rescue Dog (SAR)NO
Boat DogNO
Cart Pulling or Drafting DogNO

Indian Mastiff (pakistani bully) Health Factors

Health Issues

2 Star out of 5
Health Problems
Life Expectancy10-12 years
Energy Level

3 Star out of 5
Exercise Need

4 Star out of 5
Sleeping Need

3 Star out of 5
Weight Gain Potential

4 Star out of 5
Average to High
Weather & ClimatePrefers average weather
Drooling tendency

5 Star out of 5

Indian Mastiff (pakistani bully) Reproducibility

Gestation Length60-64 days
How often can the Indian Mastiff (pakistani bully) have a litter?Once a year
Litter SizeOnce a year.

Indian Mastiff (pakistani bully) Summary

India Mastiff is a giant breed of dogs and recalled as Beast of the East. They are one of the world’s four toughest breeds and very attractive breed that lure all the dog lovers.

Because they have “heavily wrinkled” skin so they are also as ‘ Bohli ‘. It has excess skin particularly under the chin and around the neck makes it a distinctive characteristic of the breed.

Indian Mastiff (pakistani bully) History

Better known as Bully Kutta, Indian Mastiff is a Molosser type dog that is largely found in countries India and Pakistan.

The breed has a history of around 2,500 years ago. There were three different types of mastiff breeds found in and around the areas of Persia and India that are listed as the Asian Mastiff, the Indian Mastiff and the Assyrian dog.